Los Cabos  | San Jose del Cabo International Airport

Policies & Terms of Service

1. Definitions

©2024 LosCabosAirport.com. All rights reserved. All contents and images on this site are the exclusive copyright property of LosCabosAirport.com. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of any material from this site, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, and images, without the express written permission of LosCabosAirport.com is strictly prohibited.

LosCabosAirport.com is an independent, informational website and is not affiliated with Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacífico, SAB de CV who operate 12 airports throughout the Pacific region of Mexico including San Jose del Cabo International airport..

For the purposes of any agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
Contracting Party“Contracting Party“ shall be anyone who is 18 or above, and having full legal capacity to contract, or services offered by the partner Transportation Company. The customer acknowledges that this booking for transportation is brokered and sold to a partner of LosCabosAirport.com for end-user services under our terms of service.
Passenger“Passenger” is the person who bears a legally acquired ticket, either directly or through a legal contracting party, taking into account that minors and or persons not be able to do so may not acquire tickets and or buy or reserve through sjdtaxi.com, as a result of which the passenger declares in this act to be 18 years old or above and to have legal capacity to contract.Groups“Groups”, meaning more than ten people, may not acquire tickets through LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM, since groups are directly handled at SJD Taxi offices and special policies shall apply to them; however, groups may request their reservation through https://www.LosCabosAirport.com
Ticket“Ticket”, means the document or electronic confirmation also known as electronic Ticket, Receipt or E-ticket which evidences the Passenger as the legitimate user of the contracted service with the Transportation Company of which this agreement in an integral part.
Transportation“Transportation” is equivalent to ground transportation and all the ground services related to such ground transportation.
Transportation Company or Partner“Transportation Company” refers to all ground lines which carry or transport passengers, their belongings and their baggage in accordance with this agreement or which provide any other incidental service to ground transportation. Transportation Company is whomever LosCabosAirport.com sells the contract for fulfillment to for the contracting party. This can also be know as a partner for shared shuttle services.
Law of General Means of Communication“Law of General Means of Communication” refers to the Law of General Means of Communication published in the Federal Official Gazette on February 19th, 1940 (updated in the Federal Official Gazette (Diario Oficial de la Federación) on October 25th, 2005).LosCabosAirport.com will utilize contracting party’s listed cell phone and/or email on the ticket/booking if available at time of booking, or if necessary where required.

Transportation in this agreement is subject to regulations and limitations.

2. Applicable Provisions

As long as there is no contradiction with the above, the Transportation and other services provided by the Transportation Company are subject to:

2.1 Rate, Liability, and Public Inspection Regime

Transportation is subject to the liability regime established by the Law of General Means of Communication and the Law of Civil Transportation as well as their respective regulations. The respective Fares and Application Rules are an integral part of this ticket and are electronically available for passenger consultation at the Transportation Company’s Offices, at travel agencies acting as their representatives as on the page for LosCabosAirport.com.

All effective fares for the Contracting Party of which the Transportation Company is part as well as all the publications regarding the fares that have been prepared but are not effective yet, are found electronically in the reservation system available to the public at the Transportation Company’s ticket offices and at the different ground ports where the Transportation Company operates. These fares may be checked by any person who may request it and without it being necessary to provide any reason to do it, as long as such person presents a purchase receipt. The Transportation Company’s fares are available to the public electronically through LosCabosAirport.com reservation system, at the Transportation Company’s Offices and the travel agencies acting as its representatives.

3. About the Transfer Ticket

The name of the Transportation Company may or may not be abbreviated in the Ticket, as long as the full name and the abbreviation is stated in the fares, in the Transportation conditions or in the applicable regulations or Transportation Company’s itineraries. The address of the Transportation Company shall be the departure ground port appearing on the ticket in front of the first abbreviation of the Transportation Company’s name. Stops agreed at the places indicates in the Ticket and in the reservation confirmation of each Contracting Party or those set forth in the Transportation Company’s schedule(s) as stops provided in the Passenger’s itinerary. The Ticket and the reservation confirmation shall also contain the date.

Transportation services provided under this agreement by several companies, in a successive manner, shall be considered as a sole operation. When the Transportation Company issues a Ticket for Transportation in the routes of the other Transportation Company, it shall be considered that the first Transportation Company acts only as an agent of the second Transportation Company.

In this regard, the Transportation Company to which said ticket is issued shall be liable for the trip in the terms and under the conditions described in this agreement, notwithstanding the liability of the ground line acting as an agent regarding the passenger.

The fare for Transportation subject matter of this agreement may be modified at any time and without prior notice. The Transportation Company may refuse to provide the service if the corresponding fare has not been paid.

The Ticket acquired through LosCabosAirport.com shall be valid, subject to final collection of the amount supporting the purchase of this Ticket, in the terms and conditions described herein; it is up to the Contracting Party to print the transaction receipt to present at the ground port.

Ticket Modifications: Vehicle Alternatives

LosCabosAirport.com and Transportation Company partners reserve the right to exchange your selected vehicle for a similar vehicle in the event that your selected vehicle in your reservation is not available for reasons out of our control or in maintenance. We reserve the right to either provide you the alternative vehicle, similar in size, passenger accommodations or color, for the same cost that you paid, or, option to pay the difference or option for a partial refund only if service has not yet occurred.

The Transportation Company reserves the right to terminate service for any reason at any time and provide a refund if applicable. Transportation service is not guaranteed.

4. Luggage

All the luggage must be presented to the operator, LosCabosAirport.com shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage before or after the Transfer Service. Luggage policies are as follows:

  1. Shared Shuttle Transfer: 1 regular size luggage per person
  2. Private Transfers
    • Suburban/Expedition/Denali/Navigator – 6 passengers and 6 regular luggage
    • Escalade – 5 passengers and 5 regular luggage
    • Van – 10 passengers and 10 luggage and up to 4 golf bags total
    • Sprinter – 17 passengers and 17 luggage and up to 3 golf bags total
    • MotorCoach – 45 passengers and 45 regular luggage
    • Tesla Model X – 3 passengers and 3 luggage

4.1 Excess of Luggage

Upon making a reservation the client should let Transportation Company know how many pieces of luggage passenger is traveling with, the standard is one regular luggage and one duffle bag per person. If you arrive with excessive luggage you will be charged an additional fee. Excessive luggage that is overweight and oversized will also be charged an additional fee. Wheelchairs and large walkers are not considered luggage and will be charged a fee for transport.

5. Passenger Obligations

At all times good behavior is required by the Transportation Company in order to offer the service, failure to comply will result in the Transportation Company denying to provide the service, at all times the Transportation Company holds the right to refuse service for inadequate behavior included but not limited to intoxication for any kind of substance, medication abuse, drug related issues, etc.

  1. It is the your’s, the customer’s responsibility for the accuracy of the information they input for a reservation. You agree to extra fees for incorrectly entered booking information that causes a delay, missed connections, dead pick-ups or wrong dates and times.
  2. if part of your party is late and we have to wait beyond the normal 30-minute window we reserve the right to charge a $65 hourly wait fee or cancel the reservation with no refund.

5.1 Early Arrival

Passengers are obliged to meet with the representative immediately upon arrival, to coordinate the hired Transportation service; failure to do so may cause the client to lose the scheduled transfer and shall wait until the representative assigns a new Transfer Service. Transportation Services reserves the right to assess an additional fee if we have to return to the ground port (SJD or CSL) to retrieve passengers or belongings.

5.2 Tickets

All the Tickets are personal and non-transferable, a Passenger may not assign, transfer nor transmit partially or totally under any title the rights and obligations derived from this agreement, provided that any assignment against those provided in this agreement be null; in this sense, a Passenger may not assign their ticket or allow a name change for any reason. Similarly, the Transportation Company may demand identification of the passenger and annul the Ticket if another person intends to use it.

5.3 General Application Rules for LosCabosAirport.com Connect Fare

The Contracting Party is to pay for the Transportation Services acquired through reservation or purchase at LosCabosAirport.com, Transportation fares offered are subject to general conditions provided in its regulations such as: Limited Capacity, Pre-purchased stops, Cancelling Charges before 72 hour cancellation limit for any partial or complete refunds.

In case Passengers wish to change their itinerary, they shall pay applicable penalties for the acquired fare, date or destination change. A Passenger shall be subject to the procedure established by the Transportation Company regarding involuntary changes and reimbursements stated forth in this agreement. Same day changes of flight time changes day of departure please see section 9.

The fares and their regulations are subject to supply and demand rules as a result of which they may change at any time.

The Reservation itself does not guarantee the application of the selected fare if the payment is performed after the deadline indicated to the Contracting Party or Passenger by the ground line at the time of performing the reservation as a result of which it shall adjust to the terms and conditions of the corresponding fare policy.

By booking, the Contracting Party will know the terms and conditions of the fare they are acquiring the purchase due to the fact that they vary.

Reservations are required in advance due to the state of Baja California S.U.R. transportation law, we require to have all transportation services information set and reserved 4 days before your arrival.

5.3 Penalties and Payment of Fare Differential:

These may apply due to cancellation, reimbursement, changes, issuance or re-validation of the Ticket, based on the policy of the acquired fare; the user may know the terms and conditions of the fare they acquire during the purchase. Please see article 9 that discusses cancellations and refunds.

5.4 Charge

The Contracting Party is bound to accept the charge made to their credit card or in the manner established at the time of purchase through LosCabosAirport.com provided that at the time they supply their credit card number, the services purchase request through LosCabosAirport.com shall be processed and the corresponding charge shall be carried out, subject to the corresponding bank authorization.

The charge made to the following credit cards shall be accepted as payment forms:

5.5 Dangerous Goods in Luggage

Many items commonly used at home or in the workplace may be considered dangerous when they are carried in a vehicle in Mexico. Said items may undergo alterations due to temperature and pressure variations during transport, as a result of which they are RESTRICTED. The passenger is bound not to carry any of the following items or similar to them:

Similarly, transportation of explosives, sharp pointed objects or goods, or other objects forbidden by the domestic or international regulations. Similarly, transportation of any kind of cargo that may disturb other passengers or that it is not appropriate.

Similarly, transportation of explosives, sharp pointed objects or goods, or other objects forbidden by the domestic or international regulations. Similarly, transportation of any kind of cargo that may disturb other passengers or that it is not appropriate.

During the Transfers passengers may not carry on them firearms, except for those who are bound to carry them due to their duties, in that sense, the passenger is bound to carry a special weapons permit granted for such purpose by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation or the Ministry of National Defense. The transportation company or its representative or driver/operator may demand or request such permit at any given time for those objects that due to their own nature disturb the rest of the passengers or that are not advisable to be transported by ground.

5.6 Pricing, Wait Times for Shuttle & Departures

All Shared Shuttle reservations are sold as a seat in a van or similar vehicle of mass transport and priced single way transport. Shared shuttle passengers are best grouped by destination location(s) to minimize the stops for passenger drop-off along to your destination. Shared shuttles dispatch from SJD Airport every 10-45 minutes, sometimes even longer. Due to conditions such as traffic, airport traffic or toll booth traffic and reasons out of our control. LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM Shared Shuttle services will make every attempt to have a punctual schedule with minimal wait times for departures. (Please note: at times the wait for a shuttle to La Paz, Todos Santos or Los Barriles can exceed an hour or more as our operator may be waiting to fill the bus with more for a departure and can not exceed 6 hours.) By purchasing a Shared Shuttle seat you recognize the above statement and possibilities of wait times stated. LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM will not honor refunds for any delay under 3 hours wait time for any shuttles for arrivals or departures. LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM reserves the right to accept and honor, cancel and refund, at our discretion, any same-day shuttle bookings for departures from resorts to the SJD Airport. Departure shuttle from resort operates from 6:30 AM until 7:00 PM daily or as posted.

LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM will not honor refunds for any delay under 6 hours wait time for any shuttles for arrivals or departures. LOSCABOSAIRPORT.COM reserves the right to accept and honor, cancel and refund, at our discretion, any same-day shuttle bookings for departures from resorts to the SJD Airport. Departure shuttle from resort operates from 6:30 AM until 7:00 PM daily or as posted and at our discretion.

6. Privacy Guidelines

These terms and conditions represent the privacy policy on the use of the information included in the database of LosCabosAirport.com and therefore the Contracting Party accepts that in the time of inserting its information in LosCabosAirport.com it is doing so under oath and declares the following:

The Contracting Party accepts that all the information added by them or in turn obtained through its access to LosCabosAirport.com or contracting partners may be compiled and fixed in a database (hereinafter, Database), which in turn is owned by LosCabosAirport.com or contracting partners.

The Contracting Party grants LosCabosAirport.com express authorization to publish, disclose and or transmit the information that it had inserted in the database in terms of the Article 109 of the Federal Law of Copyright.

LosCabosAirport.com covenants and the Contracting Party accept that any information compiled in the Database shall be stored and protected to avoid loss, improper use or alteration without it being liable in any manner for the interception, reproduction or theft of the information contained in the Database by third parties for this reason.

The Contracting Party accepts that through the insertion of its information LosCabosAirport.com grants its express consent referred in Article 76 of the Federal Law of Consumer Protection in order for LosCabosAirport.com contracting providers to be able to divulge and transmit the information inserted in the Database to other suppliers or relevant authorities requiring it for whatever their purpose is.

The Contracting Party grants its express consent in order to receive information for marketing or publicity purposes from Cora Bros in terms of the Articles 16, 18 and 18 bis of the Federal Law for Consumer Protection.

SJD Taxi declares and the Contracting Party accepts that LosCabosAirport.com and/or contracting partners shall not be responsible for or exercises in any manner any kind of control over the links to different pages, portals, etc. of third parties external that LosCabosAirport.com may contain.

7. Tax and/or Government Fees

The price of the Ticket may include taxes (if applicable) and/or administrative fees which are applied to ground transportation by government authorities or at choice of the company. Such fees or taxes, which may represent a significant portion of the cost of the trip, are included in the fare or indicated separately in the area devoted to taxes or associated fees in this ticket. It may also be required to pay taxes and fees that have not been collected yet and or are not mentioned on the ticket.

8. Generals


9. Payments, Cancellations & Refunds

Customer reserves the right to cancel their reservation at any time subject to any penalties, if applicable, via the application submission on our website that is added to each receipt post-booking to customers’ registered email address. If any time before 72 hours of the service each ticket is charged a $5 USD processing fee. If within 72 hours of service there is no refund applicable and SJDtaxi.com reserves the right to determine if a credit for future use can be issued or, customer forefits all services and fees.

By booking online with LosCabosAirport.com and successfully processing your transportation request with a valid credit card, owned by you, under your possession or under authorization by named party on the card used, you agree to all Terms & Conditions & Policies stated.

For any legal inquiries or concerns, please direct your communication to info@loscabosairport.com or address your correspondence to our legal department at the following mailing address: 24220 Woodward Ave, Suite 100, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069, USA. We ensure that all legal matters receive prompt and careful attention.

10. Flight Departure Delays / Alternative Use Delays

Due to the number of flights and transports we handle it is impossible to know if your departing flight is on time. It is your responsibility to confirm your departure time and if it is delayed or cancelled, to call us in the U.S.A.: 248-582-9239 between 9-5PM EST M-F, or in Cabo: 044-624-169-5302 on weekends and after hours for us to attempt to reschedule your transportation. All best efforts will be made. If we show up and you need to change your transfer to another time we reserve the right to charge an additional $65 per occurrence to the card on file. If you have booked the incorrect departure and it has changed, we reserve the right to charge an additional $65 per occurrence to the card on file. In the event, at your own free-will, you become are engaged in a delay with activity, timeshare, presentations, money exchanges or other associated sales that delay a reasonable wait time for our driver(s) to take you to your destination, we reserve the right to charge an additional waiting time of $65 USD per hour billed in :15 minute intervals. If you reserved a seat(s) on a shared shuttle all logistical departure schedules are determined 24 hours in advance therefore we are not able to make modifications to your departure pick-up time as the shared shuttle is multiple stops for multiple passengers. Your time of pick-up is based on your entered airline departure time at the time of your booking. Same day modifications are not usually possible so if you miss your shuttle you forfeit your seat and transfer and will not be refunded.

UPDATED 23/07/2023

Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner MapLos Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

Retail Shops in Cabo Airport

Get Gifts!

Cabo Airport Shops offer a fun shopping experience for travelers. They have duty-free stores where you can buy things without paying extra taxes. You can also find Mexican-style gift shops with colorful souvenirs and traditional crafts. But what really stands out is the famous Clase Azul Tequila shop. It's a must-visit for tequila lovers, where you can taste and buy some of the best tequilas from Mexico.

Clase Azul Tequila Shop, Cabo Airport Terminal 2

Whether you want to shop for deals, Mexican gifts, or top-notch tequila, Cabo Airport Shops have something for everyone.

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Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

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Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

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Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

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Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

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Import Data

Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

SJD Immigration

Los Cabos immigration facilitates the entry and exit of travelers, ensuring compliance with Mexican immigration laws and offering assistance for a smooth travel experience.

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Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map

SJD Customs

Los Cabos customs is responsible for monitoring the import and export of goods, enforcing regulations, and ensuring that travelers' belongings meet Mexico's import regulations.

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Cabo Airport VIP

The Los Cabos Airport VIP Lounge offers a luxurious, comfortable space for travelers. Featuring amenities such as complimentary Wi-Fi, a variety of snacks and beverages, and quiet areas for relaxation or work, it provides an exclusive environment for guests to unwind and refresh before their flight. Personalized services further enhance the experience.

Los Cabos Airport Arrivals Banner Map